

随着冬天的临近, 这是完成各种家庭项目的好时机, 室内和室外. Not only will these projects help make your home more comfortable, but they can also improve energy efficiency and prepare your property to safely withstand the winter storms to come.


Early in fall when the days are still a bit longer and temperatures aren’t so chilly is a great time to wrap up outdoor projects and winterizing. 仍有充足的日光可供使用, and completing these chores in good time will ensure your home’s exterior, 还有你的风景, 准备好迎接冬天.

  1. 新窗口 -是否需要维修或完全更换窗户, it is best to finish this work before an open window is impossible because of winter weather. Consider upgrading windows to double- or triple-paned designs for better efficiency.
  2. 屋顶修理 – Repairing a roof can range from fixing small leaks to replacing a few shingles to completely reroofing a structure. This work is best done while there is still warm sunlight to work with, 或者屋顶粘接材料粘不牢.
  3. 混凝土密封 -封堵混凝土车道, 天井, or pavers before winter will keep water from seeping into the porous material or existing cracks, 冰在哪里会造成更大的伤害. Proper sealant can also protect against discoloration from anti-icing chemicals.
  4. 施肥景观 -在深秋植物完全休眠之前, 给他们一个良好的施肥,以加强根的生长. This feeding will help keep the plants strong to resist winter damage so they can rejuvenate quickly in spring.
  5. 使防冻景观 – In addition to a fall feeding, winterize landscaping in fall. 这可能包括修剪不稳定或折断的树枝, 包裹灌木以抵抗雪或冰的重量, and adding a layer of mulch to flowerbeds to insulate tender bulbs and roots.
  6. 户外设备防寒 —室外工具设备, 比如割草机, 池泵, 烧烤, 洒水装置, 阀门, and hoses should all be winterized so they don’t suffer any damage. Clean and store garden tools appropriately as well so they’re ready for spring use.
  7. 清理排水沟 -确保所有的排水沟, 落水管里, and drains are clear and clean so no ice or snow can build up to cause backflow or leaks. 根据需要检查排水沟对齐, and consider adding metal mesh over gutters to help keep them clear of autumn leaves.
  8. 清洁窗户 – Take the time in fall to thoroughly wash windows (both inside and outside) to admit more light throughout the winter months, 正当阳光稀缺的时候. 这能让你更好地看到冬天的景色, and will also help nurture any houseplants that crave more sunlight.
  9. 为节日彩灯做准备 – If winter holidays mean tons of lights around your home and landscaping, 在秋天花点时间来确保你已经准备好了. 现在考虑安装挂钩或其他附件, before the temperatures make working outside too uncomfortable, 确保户外插座正常安全运行.
  10. 囤积冬季用品 – You don’t want to wake up to winter’s first heavy snowfall only to discover that your snow shovel is broken or your snowblower won’t start. Check winter tools in autumn, and stock up on deicing products as needed. Also consider prepping an emergency kit for your car in case winter driving hazards may leave you stuck.


As autumn advances, you will want to move indoors for these chores. 在冬天到来之前照顾好它们, 然而, will keep you more comfortable and allow you to relax knowing your home is prepared for winter weather.

  1. 提高绝缘 – Adding extra insulation to the attic and walls as needed will help you keep your home warmer for less expense all winter long. 同时, insulate your hot water heater and any pipes near exterior walls to save energy and minimize the risk of frozen pipes.
  2. 密封门窗 -检查所有门窗附近是否有气流泄漏, and add caulking or weatherstripping as needed to block those gaps. 即使是很小的泄漏也会造成很大的损失, and your home will stay more comfortable with even winter heating.
  3. 清理壁炉和烟囱 -如果你家有壁炉, autumn is the best time to be sure it is clean and free of debris or buildup that could cause fires. Also check the chimney and all related vents for obstructions, and clean the glass in front of a gas fireplace for the best views of the flickering flames.
  4. 检查火警报警器 —更换所有火灾报警器的电池, 或者警报器本身更老, 考虑升级到更新版本, 更先进的模型. 类似的, 检查一氧化碳报警器, and test all safety alarms to be sure they’re working properly.
  5. 更换炉膛过滤器 -当你准备为寒冷的月份启动炉子时, 检查所有过滤器是否清洁,并根据需要进行更换. 这样可以减少家里的灰尘和过敏原, keeping your air cleaner and helping your furnace run more efficiently.
  6. 整理车库 – As you’re putting away summer tools and getting out winter ones, declutter the garage and discard broken or unnecessary equipment. This is also a good chance to move holiday decorations front and center so they’re easy to access for winter decorating.
  7. 改善照明 – As the days dim later in fall and there are fewer hours of daylight to enjoy, upgrading your interior lighting can bring brightness to the season. 购买更节能的灯泡可以节省更多的钱, 确保旧的固定装置没有灰尘和污垢.
  8. 漆的房间 -如果你想粉刷房间来刷新墙壁, fall is a great time to do so while windows can still be opened for safe ventilation. Repainting will also rejuvenate your space just when you’re about to spend much more time indoors, and can give your home a new look before holiday guests arrive.
  9. 整理食品储藏室 -在秋天花点时间检查你的食品储藏室, especially staples you’ll rely on for winter cooking and holiday baking. 轮流供应,先用旧的食物, and consider stocking up on nonperishable foods or other goods such as cleaning supplies so you don’t have to worry about emergency shopping in winter.
  10. 清洁地毯 – Carpets can be especially dirty in autumn after the summer’s hard use and more bare feet on warmer days. A deep cleaning or shampooing can restore your carpet’s color and pile, 为假期而清新. Be sure to install mats or boot trays as needed so autumn rain and winter slush don’t make it to the carpeting.

There are many indoor and outdoor projects that should be finished before winter arrives, 而是一次完成一项任务, it’s easy to prep your home for winter and be ready to enjoy the season.